If you wish to support the proposals please either fill in the following form or click the button below to email the Guildford Borough Council Planning Department directly.

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Clicking send will send the letter of support to the Guildford Borough Council planning department on behalf of St Edward to support the planning application. For more information on how the council will process your comment please ClickHere

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in support of the resubmitted planning application relating to the regeneration of the North Street site.

The new proposals will transform a town centre derelict brownfield site into an area providing numerous community benefits without the need to develop farmland or on Green Belt land.

The new proposals submitted will transform the town for the better by delivering:
- 471 highly sustainable new homes, suitable for a range of users from first time buyers to downsizers, designed in beautiful buildings;
- A new bus interchange, with waiting facilities, toilets and quicker journey times;
- Improved architecture and reduced building heights;
- The pedestrianisation of North Street, improving air quality by 10% and creating a safe, pleasant, car free environment for residents, visitors and workers;
- 100% of all car parking with electric vehicle charging points;
- c.21,000 sqft of ground floor mixed uses, including al fresco dining, leisure uses and bars;
- A new public wellness garden;
- The safeguarding of a new medical space within the development;
- Three new public squares, a water feature, a dedicated public art strategy and a total of 2.2 acres of public realm;
- The planting of 110 new trees and creating a biodiversity net gain of 244% to the site, reconnecting the built form and putting it back in touch with nature;
- An all-electric energy system, minimising the impact and reliance on unsustainable energy sources; and
- 71% reduction in CO2 from the 2013 baseline, significantly above local targets.

In summary, I strongly support the resubmitted planning application at the North Street site and urge I urge the planning committee to approve the resubmitted scheme and avoid the refused scheme being heard at appeal at a cost to the Guildford tax payer.